Wednesday, July 23, 2003

This post is two days old but I got the headache blues yday so went to bed early. The monthly curse has hit us this morning (and no, I dont mean the hanging onfor dear life until pay day monthly curse LOL). So extra tired and lethargic today. At least it is not as heavy and painful as last month, now that was bad! I took a nap in the morning when the boys were down so it helped some. JD's third tooth has broken through YAY! Am baking banana bread today, wonder how it will turn out, not using pisang mas this time, may not be so sweet. Will find out hehe. The boys are napping now so am doing the blog, catching up on emails and trying to figure out this script I am supposed to be writing for this guy. It's not paid but its good experience for me right now. A couple of projects might be in the pipeline, some small, some less small but I hope they take off. It's something I can do at home inbetween playtime, naps and during the night so fingers crossed. Jenn and I were supposed to meet today but I postponed until next week, just as well, first day is always evil! Josh tries to talk more now, you can hear 'up', 'mama', things like that, so cute! jamie wants to learn what everything is called and its so cute when he tries to repeat what you say (makes a note to watch what I say from now on). Hmm... lets see what shall I make for dins, sweet and sour chicken (mebbe add some chillis inside!), mixed veg and rice. Shld make enough for tomorrow so my lunch is covered. Need to visit Tesco's once payday is here and other bills are paid. Ugh, aint it depressing!

Righty ho, that's it for this post. Until the evening....

later days, folks!


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